Perfect Precision Math Feature
Yes, experience PERFECT PRECISION where mathematical rounding errors are a thing of the past! Sheerpower boasts numerical accuracy of 18 digits to the left of decimal and 16 to the right -- 34 significant digits!!
Try this simple program in your favorite programming language:
x = 10.7 + 3.2 expected = 13.9 if x = expected then print "Got expected value of"; x else print "Incorrect. Expected"; expected;", got "; x end if
Or try attempting to do math with this kind of precision:
print 123456789.012345 * 87654321.123456789 Answer: 10821521028958940.344459595060205
Sheerpower's Perfect Precision Math feature is a must for anyone writing business applications.
* The Perfect Precision math technology is patented, US patent #7149765.